Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse
The 7 Steps to Prevention
A Martial Education Designed by Sensei Dan Rominski, TheDOJO
As a Martial Arts Educator and a Self-Defense expert some years ago I decided to seek out the experts in teaching this very sensitive topic of prevention in sexual abuse to parents, children and help set up prevention plans for youth organizations. I chose to coordinate efforts with Darkness to Light and became certified by them to teach this very sensitive topic to children, their parents and adults who are leaders in youth organizations.
Although I am not a victim of sexual abuse, in my 30+ years of teaching self-defense and martial arts I have had parents and students interested in this topic because:
- Parents who simply wanted to discuss this "taboo" topic but felt awkward or not confident in talking with the children about it. We are experts at educating children and are certified to teach through Darkness to Light, this sensitive topic. Parents are relieved and feel good about responsible adults helping them keep their children informed and safe.
- After becoming educated at TheDOJO we have had children actually back off predators and notify authorities simply because they knew what to do and how to recognize the signs of "grooming" from sexual predators.
- Were victims of sexual abuse and use martial arts as a form of therapeutic empowerment for themselves, for their children or even fo adults who were victimized as a child.
- Learned through our program the signs of sexual abuse and educating them in it's prevention.
- Children who felt confident and empowered learning how to protect themselves with another component of our martial arts education of intelligent curriculum designed by Sensei Dan Rominski martial art and self-defense expert himself and an expert teacher for both children and adults.
Prevention in Childhood Sexual Abuse actually is prevented more so by parents not putting their children in situations where Sexual Abuse may occur. Children may also learn how to recognize "bad touch" and what to do after the fact but this guide is mostly for parents to educate themselves in prevention. At TheDOJO in our martial art classes we can certainly educate and teach children what they can do to have the know how and confidence if "bad touch" occurs.
Parents here is a summary of the 7 Steps in Prevention of Parents Guide you'll want to read and then practice to keep you child safe. You'll need to download the PDF Copy for the full 16 page booklet which will give you all of the expert advice you'll need as a parent to educate yourself.
If you have any questions I am available to speak with anytime, please call Sensei Dan Rominski at (201) 933-3050 or email me